Wednesday 13 April 2011

Ressurections of the Royal(s)?

Er since my post of introducing Royal and then the subsequent fall of him, I've had really touching emails and presents/packages (some out of the blue) given/sent to me... I just wanted to share the support I've received for this... two even have the tear in his right shoulder, one is white and not blue... love them all the guys are funny... Thank-you, I'm speechless...

I said to myself I didn't want to mention Royal again but seen as some of you have asked, I'm doing ok without Royal, there are moments when training where I'd have him as a passing thought in my mind, but that is all it will be-a passing thought, it's a bear after all and I'm yes a sentimental git but I know that extra support out there from all you lot will more than help.

I decided I will pick a Royal lookalike to take with me on the ice. Space I have is next to none as any weight will add to the toll I'd have to drag behind me but this is one thing I'd like to bring and I'll do one of those sad things where I'd take pictures of it everywhere. I hate being on the otherside of the lens myself so this would be a good way of living through my adventure. Unfortunately the bigger Royals will have to be a no no...

I never took a photo of the original royal as I'd never thought I'd loose him and besides he was my little secret, who wants to admit that being a grown up lady I'd still have a stuff toy and not only that a stuff toy that I've attached so many emotions to...? Serves me right for relying so much on one thing...I've learnt my lesson. Yes I'm still bitter and sad and I'd reclaim him anytime, even if it means going back to Chamonix to do it, but truth of the matter is the courage and motivation he gave me, it was all in the mind. He was probably like the Littliest Hobo (do you remember that program?...classic!), he's done his job and now he's moved on...

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