Wednesday 13 April 2011

The team's out there already!

Well some of the team are out there already and I'll be joining them soon!
They've already got some photos back and I'm so jealous and it all adds fuel to my excitement as the days are drawing closer to when I can go.  My flights have finally been booked for 14th April, a week later!  But nevertheless I'm glad as I've been ill so this has given me time to regain my strength and get better to join my team...

The containers were all packed and shipped across about two months ago... lot's of gear for lots of important work!

The team have been getting all our kit over to base camp 1 then will be moving onto base camp 2.  They would have stocked up on their individual rations already and by now would have completed their gear check list and hopefully have reached BC2 all of this for me to look forward to...

They used a band wagon (BV?) to trasnport all our goods.  Jon was telling me in the marines they had rope hanging off the back for troops to 'ski' off...awesome!

Here's the team setting up camp after a hard days work...again jealous I'm not there! Just look at all that snow!!

Can't wait to join them...

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